Weight Loss “Secret IN-gredient” #6

This week we continue with our series outlining the key “IN-gredients” we routinely observe in our clients’ who achieve their weight loss goals. We’re going to touch on 8 of them and they will help YOU create the ideal “recipe” for weight loss and weight management, too. As a reminder, we call them “IN-gredients” because the first two letters of each word will begin with “I-N”. If you’ve not seen the first 5 please go back to previous blog posts and check them out. So far, we have hit on:
- IN-TERNAL Dialogue.
The next key IN-gredient is IN-vestment. People who excel in our program come in ready to make an IN-vestment in themselves. They have realized the COST of being overweight or obese. Those costs typically rack up in many ways:
- Discomfort
- Frustration
- Inability to do some activities
- Low energy
- Missed experiences
- Affected relationships
- Lost opportunities
- Medical bills
- Prescriptions
- … And the list goes on and on.
At some point, those accumulating and persistent COSTS must hit a threshold and cause a person to say:
“Enough is enough! I must change. I want to live differently.
I am worth it. I’m going to INVEST in ME”.
When we use the word IN-vestment, we are not merely talking about money. It truly takes much more than that. Successful weight loss also requires a shift of mind-set and an investment of time, energy, effort and focus.
A focused lifestyle change significant enough to create lasting weight loss requires decision, commitment and (let’s face it) some sacrifice. An IN-vestment is likely needed to learn new ways of thinking, eating and living. You will likely need to make time and effort to shop different, prep food in new ways, add some activity and maybe even some appointments with a coach at a clinic like ours.
No time for any of this? That is a dangerous mindset!
If we do shift to the financial IN-vestment aspect, many people simply can’t afford to NOT invest in a solution for their weight challenge. It has gotten to that point. The ramifications and astronomical COSTS associated with living overweight or obese far outweigh the IN-vestment required to benefit from a program like ours.
The COSTS related to weight issues in our country are staggering. Check out these alarming stats:
- A 2010 report on “The Medical Care Costs of Obesity from the National Bureau of Economic Research stated that the per capita medical spending is $2,741 higher for people with obesity than for normal weight individuals.
- Nearly 21 percent of medical costs in the U.S. can be attributed to obesity. The Annual health costs related to obesity in the U.S. is nearly $200 billion.
- Corporate America even pays the price. According to the Centers for Disease Control, medical expenses for obese employees are 42 percent higher than for a person with a healthy weight. It’s a hard thing for many to hear, but the numbers are out: If you’re overweight or obese you are a financial liability for your company.
- We’ve shared this before but it’s worth a re-share. The U.S. News & World Report website had an article entitled “Study Calculates How Much You’ll Save If You Lose Weight”. It was written by staff writer Alexa Lardieri and was posted September. 27, 2017. The study done by researchers from the Global Obesity Prevention Center at Johns Hopkins University looked at how much people at different stages of life would spend on additional costs because of obesity. It estimated additional potential health problems that may arise from being overweight or obese coupled with how much those would cost. While we won’t share all findings for all ages, 50 year-olds added the most money over their lifetime, with an additional $36,278 over their normal-weight counterparts. Wow!
We have capitalized the words “COST” and “IN-VESTMENT” here so that we could re-visit a distinction that we’ve shared multiple times before. While we realize everyone must be budget sensitive, we encourage you to not necessarily live in a “COST” mentality. Cost implies something you GIVE UP. Rather, when you think about starting your health, wellness and weight loss journey, think IN-VESTMENT … which is something that brings a RETURN!
Think about the return YOU will see on an IN-VESTMENT of getting support like we provide and learning to eat healthier and in line with YOUR DNA. How might a sensible and scientific based weight loss program which does NOT include pre-packaged foods, shakes or bars positively impact you? What may be different? What could be better? How might you feel, look … and live? What could, should and would you do differently if you were at a healthier weight?
The bottom line: You simply cannot put a “price tag” on your health. The process of regaining your health … and enjoyment … and your self-worth is PRICELESS. Famous billionaire IN-vestor Warren Buffet puts it clear and to the point:
“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”
~ Warren Buffet
Time for an IN-vestment in you?
Click, call or stop by our office sometime soon.
We believe you are worth it!